What Are You Looking For
They were looking for a lion; He came as a Lamb, and they missed Him.
They were looking for a warrior; He came as a Peacemaker, and they missed Him.
They were looking for a king; He came as a Servant, and they missed Him.
They were looking for liberation from Rome; He submitted to the Roman stake, and they missed Him.
They were looking for a fit to their mold; He was the mold maker, and they missed Him.
They were looking for their temporal needs to be met; He came to meet their eternal need, and they missed Him.
He came as a Lamb to be sacrificed for your sin. Will you miss Him?
He came to make peace between God and man. Have you missed Him?
He came to model servanthood for all mankind. Have you missed Him?
He came that we might have true liberty. Have you missed Him?
He came to give you eternal life. Have you missed Him?
What are you looking for? Lion? Warrior? King? Liberator?
When we submit to the Lamb, we will meet the Lion.
When we join with the Peacemaker, we will meet the Warrior.
When we work with the Servant, we will meet the King.
When we walk with the Submitted, we will meet the Liberator.
When we concern ourselves with the Eternal, we will have the temporal.
If Jesus is not fitting into the mold you have, then come to the mold maker and get a new one. Submit to His plan for your life, and you will see the eternal need met first; then all other needs will be met as well.