Our Sunday services are an opportunity for people to come, enjoy time together, and worship our Creator whether it's their first time or they've been coming for years. Being a part of a church community impacts lives and reminds us that we can't serve God alone.
Who are the people who care most about you? Who you can laugh or cry the hardest with? That's what community is all about, celebrating life with the support of people around you. We all have a next step to take, so why not take them together? WSR has semi-regular studies and fellowships for all Men and all Ladies in our church.
Having community with people your age and in your place in life is vital to a live with Jesus. With regular studies and fellowship opportunities, our Young Adults small group is a great way for people 18-40 years old to have that space in their lives.
Our Teen studies aren't the only safe, inviting and uplifting atmosphere at Warm Springs Rd. The most important thing for Christians to remain a strong united front in a world overcome with wickedness is a strong Biblical knowledge and education. That is why every Sunday (9:30am) and Wednesday (7pm) we host Bible Classes for all ages. With a wide variety of topics and classes specific to your age and place in life, you and your family are sure to find these times uplifting and educational.
Sundays are about the church family, and every week we gather before our worship (10:15am) to have a special time of involving our WSR Kids. We quote the books of the Bible and verses, sing songs, and learn all sorts of great content that will help them as they grow up and learn about following Jesus.